Don’t be a prisoner…. , 23cm radius
Don’t be a prisoner…. , 23cm radius (Detail)
Age…is a matter of feeling, 24cm radius
It’s not our differences…, 28cm radius
We are all born originals…., 23cm radius (Detail)
Thought for the week, 2008
Linen, cotton thread, wadding, mdf, card, brass tacks, glue. 230 – 280mm diameter
These embroidered text works are from a selection of positive affirmations and quotes collected from weekly emails received from an online life coach.
The work was inspired by activities suggested by Victorian women’s magazines to help occupy their spare ‘leisure’ time. I had become fascinated by how little the content of these magazines had changed in how they perpetuate aspiration and perfection. The idea of ‘having it all’ feels like a constant battle and is perhaps even more heightened with the development of social media.